Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Time does go by at a blink of an eye

I have been thinking about posting for a while now and can not believe it has been so long since my last post. Although, I am not going to feel guilty, because I take in every moment that I spend with my son and each moment creates such special memories. So much has happened in such a small amount of time. Chance is already 7 months old!!! He is crawling, babbling, has 12 million different facial expressions and is becoming so observant, it blows me away.
It was the day after 4th of July the first time that Chance truly crawled and he crawled pretty far for his first time. I was so proud of him. Now he won't stop moving. Al and I are trying to keep up when baby proofing each room, catching new things that we need to take care of when he gets into things. I have to say that my two favorite times of the day are picking him up from daycare and that first embrace I get from him along with a very slobbery wet kiss and sitting him down for dinner, or any meal for that matter. He started on real food at 5 1/2 months. He absolutely loves yams!! But he is eating everything from mango's, broccoli, pears, blueberries, zucchini to squash, and much more. He loves it all. We are not a fan of peas yet, but that I really don't blame him for they are not a favorite of mine either. Chance is an absolute hoot when it comes to eating. He just seems to want a bigger bite each time and can not get enough of the mushy goodness between his fingers.
Al and I bought a new home at the end of February and we are enjoying putting it together piece by piece and making it our own home. Tell you one thing, buying a house is time consuming but getting it the way you want it is a bigger project within itself. Of course though Chance's room was the first completed. We kept the nautical/under the sea theme and painted just one blue accent wall. It's very nice and calming and Chance seems to enjoy it as well considering we have both been blessed by him sleeping through the night since he was 4 months old and goes to sleep about 8pm every night. Well enough for now, enjoy the photos I have below of my little peanut!

I have on my hands one water baby!
His typical sleeping position

Kaci and Chance on Easter
He loved this swing so much, mom broke down and bought one for the house
First time swimming in the pool.... and loved it

With Aunt Michelle on Cowboy Day at Church

Mommy and Chance
Loving dinner time
July 4th
At Jessica and Jay's Wedding

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