Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Counting down the days


I can not believe that my 3 months maternity leave is coming to an end. It feels like this time has just flow by. So much as happened over the past 3 months, but looking back it only feels like it has been a few weeks. Although, when I look at Chance I can not believe how much he has grown. At his 2 month doctor check up he weighed 12 lbs and is 24 inches long and that was 10 days ago, he already feels like he is gowing and weighing more. Everyday he seems to be learning something new, especially smiling like you wouldn't believe, he giggles and is one big kickin' chicken.
Since my last post I am trying to think of all the big events that have happened, there have been so many! My best friend Jessica from Austin came to stay with us for a few days and brought her 18 month daughter Gwendolyn. We had the best time and laughed a lot of how far she and I have changed over the past 10 years. We had the same thought when we were driving to go to the Childrens Museum in Fair Park, "We're both mom's!" Here is a few funny photo's that I took of Chance at his first museum trip. 

If you look at it, all these pictures look like I photoshopped Chance into them. Al and I started laughing histarically when we both looked back at them. Another big event that happened since my last entry is that Chance had his first babysitting gig. It was so hard for me, but I bought tickets to the Mav's game for Al's birthday, when I purchased them I wanted to make sure that I had introduced a bottle to Chance and make sure that I bought the tickets when he was closer to 2 months old. He did such a great job, when we went to pick him up he had only ate once (normally he would have ate twice in the time we were gone) and he slept most of the time. I was a little worried that he would be up that whole night but actually that was the first night he slept 6 hours straight! I woke up at 6:30 that morning in a panic thinking I slept through him crying, but he was just waking up when I checked on him. Since then he has only had 2 other nights of sleeping 6 hours straight, but these changes take time.

Learning about gravity

Learning about waves
At the farm
Playing in the sand with Gwen

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