Our amazing and beautiful blessing has finally arrived! Well...arrived a week ago on Tuesday, December 6th at 10:29pm. Chance Tegan Tristan weighed 8.88lbs and was 21 inches long. Both Al and I are wondering whose child this is because he is just way to adorable to be ours.
So as the story goes... I originally went into the hospital Sunday night to start inducing. My doctor started pitocin Monday morning and by 6pm that night I was no further dilated (1 cm) than what I was 3 weeks prior. So they sent us home. Al and I were both completely mentally drained, you think you are going to leave the hospital with a newborn in your arms and the complete opposite happens. The doctor did say that we will try inducing again on Friday and if it failed again they would do a C-section, that was if he did not come before.
Sure enough that next morning, I woke up around 10am and felt a slight trickle. I ran to the bathroom and then felt a slight gush....HOLY CRAP! Did my water just break or did I just have an accident???? Al came in to check on me and I sat in silence for a second then told him what just happened and called the doctors office. They told me it sounds like my water did break and I needed to get into the car, lay in the back seat, make sure I was wheel chaired to Labor and Delivery but get to the hospital quickly. Well I felt great so I told Al I was going to get a cup of coffee, he asked if he had time to take a shower and I said, "Sure!". I made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich while he was doing that because I was craving one the day prior and while on pitocin you can not eat, so I made sure I did this time around before going back in. While headed to the hospital I told Al that he needed to get something to eat because it could be a while before he got another meal and we both knew that the hospital food wasn't the greatest. So Burger King it was! I believe it was noon by the time we actually got to the hospital and if you are wondering if I had been wheel chaired to Labor and Delivery...uh no!
Pitocin was started right away, but of course nothing happened until about 2:30pm, and finally started dilating and having contractions. Those lasted till about 5pm the pain was tolerable but I was just getting exhausted going through them. Epidural time!!! This was probably the worst time for me throughout my labor only for my fear that they would miss and I had a fear I was going to be paralyzed from the waist down. All went well and I FINALLY dilated to 10cm at 10pm. My doctor was so amazing since she knew I wanted no one but her to deliver Chance, she took a nap at the hospital and said she would wait until he came. I started pushing at 10pm and out he came at 10:29pm. The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck 3 times, but thank God it was loose, so he did not have to go to NICU. He is absolutely perfect! Al was so amazing through all of it, he definitely kept calm, didn't pass out, did everything perfectly especially telling me when I needed to breathe.
After spending two nights in the hospital we are now back home with Chance in tow this time. Adjusting to this new change has been great so far and running very smoothly. The first couple of nights were a little hard trying to get use to waking up every two hours to feed him, but after the 2nd night I quit setting my alarm to wake him up since he woke me up just fine without it. Every two hours almost to the minute, just like clockwork. Al and I have also been inducted into the Chance clan, by both officially being peed on while changing diapers, but that was after changing his first diaper in the hospital. Al and I were so caucious about being peed on that when Chance did pee he shot it right into his own little face and the screaming began... poor little traumatize guy. I though must admit have dodged being drenched more than Al has. We did newborn photos today and our last sitting was of the three of us. We were able to get a couple of shots in and when asked to change our position I handed a naked Chance to Al, who was immediately shot in the chest with pee, but took it like a complete champ and just sat there and took the full emptying of the bladder.
I will definitely try to keep posting new blogs as I sink more and more into mommihood. I am so looking forward to this amazing new adventure in my life!
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