Friday, January 17, 2014

Did I say I told you so?

Had to post this even though I have not yet uploaded photos from my last post. I am normally never the type of person to say, ' I told you so" or " See if you would have just listened to me the first three times." And I kept my mouth shut this time but these words were definitely running through my head when I received this text message. I am almost positive I have told Al that if he puts Chance in the car I always make sure that the window is cracked, so if he by any luck hits the locks that this would not happen. LOL!!! So of course I had to ask for a video of Chance locked in the car and smiling!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Long time no post

My goodness, my goodness it has been sometime since I last posted. I am really going to try to set a goal to be more diligent on posting here as this blog does mean a lot to me and I am so glad that I created.

So what has been going on over the past year and a half since I last posted... A LOT!
My gosh, I can not believe how much Chance has gown, not only physically but also emotionally and mentally. He is such a boy, from the moment he wakes up in the morning, it is go go go. We are really into playing outside, riding on the bikes, playing with the dogs and playing with any type of sports balls. He is really into basketball and soccer so it will be interesting to see later down the road what sport he falls in love with first.
 A couple of months after Chance's first birthday, Al and I decided to get a puppy, so we brought home Leia. She is a yellow lab and is a great family dog. Just recently after Chance's 2nd birthday we added Logan (a black lab) he's is quite the destroyer of a lot of furniture so far but still loved by the whole family.   They have both been such great dogs for Chance to play with and both enjoy being beaten up by Chance LOL.
The past two birthdays have been so much fun. I have wanted to keep the theme for birthdays very broad and general and not a specific character theme so he wouldn't receive a ton of the same type of gift based off of the theme. Plus at this time he doesn't watch a ton of TV and I limit what he can and can not watch so we really do not watch, Elmo or Dora or Spongebob (thank goodness!).  So for Chance's first birthday we did a Mustache Bash and had a huge turn out about 35ish people. Our house was packed! Chance's 2nd birthday was a different story. There were around the same amount of invites that went out but we had an awful ice storm that blew through Dallas that lasted about 4 days. I had taken time off work on Friday to get everything ready for Chance's party on Saturday. Well, about 4am Friday morning, Chance woke me up and for some reason really wanted to watch cartoons. He was getting really upset that I was saying no, so i finally gave in and we went to the living room and turned on the TV. About 4:30 he startled me by waking me up saying 'Mommy Off' and pointed at the TV. Our power went out due to all the ice!!!  The power didn't come back on until 5pm that day, the roads were frozen over, it was crazy. Needless today, I did not get as much stuff ready for his birthday that I wanted to, and was keeping my fingers crossed that we had power when we woke up the next morning. Thankfully, we did and we had the best Pancake and Pajama party ever! We had only about 10-15 people come, that all lived in about a 5 mile radius from the house and I could not have asked for a better birthday for him.... it was perfect!

Adding a few photos over the past year. Will add more when I get home and download from my camera. Hope to post again soon!
Chance a month after his 1st birthday
Chance's 1 year old photo shoot @ Farmers Branch Rose Garden
Chance's 1st Texas Rangers Game - Summer 2013
Christmas 2013